‌April 23rd, 2019

Call for proposals : Partner Centers

EPI-PHARE offers funding for a maximum of 2 Partner Centers in epidemiology of health products independent of private interests.

EPI-PHARE mobilizes expertise in epidemiology, biostatistics and data management. It carries out, coordinates and implements epidemiological studies in real life on health products, independent of private interests, using data from the National Health Data System (SNDS).


The work program of EPI-PHARE aims to produce new knowledge on the use, misuse and risks of medicines, to ensure an epidemiological surveillance of health products or situations identified as constituting a public health issue, and to provide knowledge in health crisis. It will provide health authorities with proactive and reactive expertise in the filed of epidemiology of health products.


To carry out its work program, EPI-PHARE offers funding for a maximum of 2 Partner Centers in epidemiology of health products independent of private interests, for a renewable period of 4 years and for a maximum amount of 500,000 euros per year (grants reassessed annually).


Partner Centers are entities bringing together high-level scientific and technical expertise, and with logistical and IT capacities to carry out a work program using SNDS data and other available data. These centers are made up of one or more academic research units/teams under the supervision of public research organizations (university, EPST, EPIC, etc.). The participation of several teams in France is allowed.


Partner Centers must have the expertise and capacities necessary to conduct a research program in pharmaco-epidemiology based on the SNDS as a priority, to document the use, misuse, efficacy and risks of health products in real life. They must in particular present strong and recognized expertise in the processing and analysis of exhaustive data from the SNDS (DCIR). The work program of the partner cente (s) will be established in strong collaboration with EPI-PHARE.


The deadline for submitting files electronically is June 14, 2019 (the original signed documents must be sent no later than July 1, 2019) and the eligible applications will be heard by a jury on July 4, 2019. The publication of the selected Center(s) is scheduled for September 2019, for operational implementation of the Center(s) in early 2020.



Text of the call for proposals

Download the text of the call for proposals and find all the practical information for applying.