‌May 4th, 2020

Drug use in France during the Covid-19 pandemic

Report 2: Update after five weeks of confinement.

EPI-PHARE publishes an update of its study on the dispensation of reimbursed prescription drugs in pharmacies since the start of the pandemic in France.


The results after 5 weeks of confinement in France show a return to a standardized consumption of treatments for chronic pathologies since mid-April, after an initial phenomenon of “storage” during the first 2 weeks of confinement.


In addition, the results confirm the very strong decrease in the delivery of products which require administration by a health professional, in particular vaccines but also products intended for medical diagnostic procedures such as colonoscopies, scanners and MRIs.


For the treatment of Covid-19, purchases on medical prescription of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine were limited in time in connection with the media coverage of this potential treatment; the combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin jumped 7,000% in week 13 to reach approximately 10,000 patients.


The follow-up carried out by EPI-PHARE on more than 450 million prescriptions with reimbursement data updated every week is essential and will be continued until the end of the pandemic.



The study report

Find the report of the study on the Drug use in France during the Covid-19 pandemic – Update after five weeks of confinement.