Our missions
EPI-PHARE, whose main mission is to provide independent public expertise in the field of epidemiology of health products to assist public decision-making, works every day with the aim of an optimised use of medicines and medical devices for the benefit of the health of the population.
EPI-PHARE has been entrusted with several missions by its supervisory bodies:
- to pilot and coordinate epidemiological studies on health products in real life, independently of the pharmaceutical industry, according to a structured and validated work programme;
- to conduct utilization studies, targeting misuse, specific populations (pregnant women, infants, children, the elderly), new medicines and the impact of supervision or practice improvement measures;
- to conduct risk studies to proactively monitor adverse reactions. This includes studies to explore or confirm pharmacovigilance signals, or signals resulting from big data monitoring and analysis techniques currently under development;
- to provide methodological support for the use of the SNDS data and to participate in public health training (interns, masters and doctoral students);
- to carry out expertises and counter-expertises, for exemple the assessment of studies carried out or financed by pharmaceutical laboratories on the basis of the SNDS data;
- to evaluate post-authorisation studies (PASS studies);
- to manage the partner centre(s) in the epidemiology of health products;
- to manage and evaluate studies carried-out by academic teams.
Going further